Best Performance Massage Therapy
Work your best. Play your best. Feel your best.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

I am located at 2099 County Road 1100 N, Sidney, IL.

When are you open?

Appointments are available every day of the week. Go to the Make an Appointment page to submit a request or call or text me at 217-369-9442 to schedule a session and we'll find a time that works for both of us.

What type of payment do you accept?

I accept cash, checks and credit/debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover).

What is your tipping policy?

Tips are not expected. The rates listed on the Rates and Services page are exactly what you pay.

What parts of my body will be massaged?

If you're coming in for a problem in a specific area, we'll work on that area. I usually also work in the areas immediately connected to it.'

A typical full-body session includes work on your shoulders, back, hips/glutes, legs, feet, abdomen/stomach, arms, hands, pecs (upper chest), neck, head and face, depending on client needs and session length.

We will discuss what areas will be worked on before you get on the table. If there is any area you want me to avoid, say you have very ticklish feet, I will skip it. At your first visit you will fill out an intake form that has a diagram for you to mark indicating areas to be massaged or avoided. You can also specify that work on a particular area should be done over the drape so it will not be uncovered.

How often should I get a massage?

For most people who lead an active lifestyle or do regular light exercise, once every two, three or four weeks is usually sufficient. For most amateur athletes who take their sport and training seriously or regular gym-goers, once a week to once every two weeks is recommended.

If you are recovering from an injury then more frequent massage targeting the injured area is recommended until the injury has healed and you are back to pain-free full range of movement. This is particularly the case if you are going to continue training and competing and unable to give your injury sufficient time to recover.

What should I do during the massage session?

If it's your first visit with me, arrive a few minutes in advance of your appointment to allow time to complete the intake form. Good communication is important. Before the session, let me know what your needs are and your goals for the session. During the massage session, report any discomfort, whether it is from the massage or anything else -- room temperature, music volume, lighting, etc. Feel free to give feedback on the amount of pressure, speed of movement, etc. Don’t be afraid to discuss any apprehensions or concerns. I will do my best to help you feel at ease.

During the massage, make yourself comfortable. Most people just close their eyes and completely relax. Many people fall asleep. Some people like to talk during a massage session, while others remain silent. In general I will follow your lead. 

Do I have to be completely undressed?

It is entirely up to you to decide how much clothing to remove. You will always be modestly covered with a drape at all times. It's all about your comfort and feeling secure.You do not have to be completely undressed when we're working on a specific problem. For example, if you need your legs worked on, there is no need to remove your shirt.

When asked about clothing, many massage therapists tell their clients, "Undress to your level of comfort.” For your session to be the most effective you must be able to completely relax on the table. If you can't relax because you're worried about being too exposed, even with the drape, you have gone past your comfort level.

Some people get completely undressed and some keep their bottom undergarment on. Whatever you decide, except for the part of the body that’s being worked on, you will be covered with a drape at all times. If the session will include a lot of stretching I may ask you to wear shorts.

When should I not get a massage?

There are several medical conditions that would make massage inappropriate. That's why it is necessary that you fill out the health history forms and before you begin your first session. I will ask general health questions to rule out if you have any contraindications to massage. Before each session it is very important that you inform the me of any new injuries, health problems or medications you are taking. If you are under a doctor's care, it is strongly advised that you receive a written recommendation for massage prior to any session. Depending on the condition, approval from your doctor may be required.

There are several contraindications for receiving a massage. If you have any of the following conditions, you should not get a massage:

  • Fever
  • Any type of infectious disease
  • Systemic infections
  • Severe cold
  • Fracture, bleeding, burns or other acute injury
  • Liver and kidney diseases
  • Blood clot
  • Pregnancy-induced diabetes, toxemia, preeclampsia/eclampsia
  • Uncontrolled heart disease
  • Open skin lesions or sores (I may work around them if localized)